Utah Bicycle Bill Voting Records
2012 House Transportation Committee
HB0327S01 - Operation of Bicycles on Highways
1st Substitute (Handy)
Change un-responsive signals to require UDOT consider all vehicles when replacing or installing lights
The motion failed with Rep. Barlow, Rep. Handy, Rep. Hemingway, Rep. Kiser, and Rep. Val Peterson voting in favor of the motion.
Amendment (Kiser)
Removes the Two Way Turn Lane provision
The motion failed with Rep. Barlow, Rep. Hemingway, Rep. Kiser, Rep. Moss, and Rep. Val Peterson voting in favor of the motion.
Amendment (Kiser)
Removes the No-Passing Zone provision
The motion passed with Rep. Barlow, Rep. Moss, and Rep. Nielson, Anderson voting in opposition.
Amendment (Kiser)
Changes wording on striping in a bike lane (friendly)
The motion passed unanimously
House Comm - Motion to Recommend Failed
Yeas - 5
Anderson, Johnny
Daw, B.
Handy, S.
Nielson, J.
Peterson, J. |
Nays - 6
Barlow, S.
Fisher, Janice
Hemingway, L.
Kiser, T.
Moss, C.
Peterson, V. |
Absent - 3
Harper, W.
Last, B.
Sumsion, K. |
Notes (3rd Hearing)
- Nielson - Was in favor of un-responsive signals, was the favorite part of the bill
- Kiser - Talks about worrying about "heavy" traffic (however overlooks that the bill clearly does not allow going through the light in those situations)
- Nielson on No Passing zones recognizes the speed differential in how NPZ's are calculated v. cyclist Reasonable person standard
- Daw Speaks against NPZ
- Fisher asked to have UTA speak about "Legal issue with the trains"
- He DOES NOT talk about the trains, just the Bike Lanes and "parking"
- "Required by Federal law to use restrooms"
- Claims that the alternative would would be to cancel the route.
- Another alternative which he does NOT suggest changing the route to begin with or modifying the BL with appropriate signage as it should have been done to begin with.
- Handy, is in support of the efforts
Voting Notes
The bill failed to pass out for further debate on the floor and possible tweaking 5-6-3
- Moss: The least controversial part besides the Bike Lane was the Two-Way-Turn-Lane, which Moss voted to take out (Stayed in), but voted to keep the No-Passing (Removed) and Lights (Stayed in), then votes to not pass out
- Fisher: Votes to only take out the no-passing (Removed) but keep the lights (Stayed in) and 2WTL (Stayed in), then votes against passing out
Historical Voting Records
2011 House & Senate Roster Voting Record (pdf)
2010 House & Senate Roster Voting Record (pdf)
2011 H.B 155 Traffic Control Signs for Bicycles
Cycling Community was split on the issue
House Comm - Favorable Recommendation
Yeas - 8
Anderson, J.
Daw, B.
Fisher, Janice
Handy, S.
Hemingway, L.
Last, B.
Moss, C.
Nielson, J.
Nays - 4
Fisher, Julie
Kiser, T.
Peterson, V.
Sumsion, K.
Absent - 2
Harper, W.
Peterson, J. |
For House and Senate Votes, also see historical voting records document above!
House was 39-33-3
YEAS - 39
Anderson Duckworth, S Ipson Poulson Arent Dunnigan King Richardson Barrus Edwards Last Sandstrom Biskupski Eliason Litvack Seelig Briscoe Fisher, Janice McIff Vickers Chavez-Houck Handy Menlove Watkins Cosgrove Hemingway Moss Wheatley Daw Hendrickson Nielson Wiley Dougall Herrod Peterson, J Wilson Draxler Hughes Pitcher
NAYS - 33
Bird Galvez Morley Sanpei Brown, D Gibson Newbold Sumsion Butterfield Greenwood Noel Webb Christensen Grover Oda Wilcox Clark Harper Perry Wimmer Cox Hutchings Peterson, V Wright Dee Ivory Powell Fisher, Julie Kiser Ray Froerer Mathis Sagers
Brown, M Painter Lockhart
Senate was 11-11-7
Davis Mayne Niederhauser Romero Jones McAdams Reid Stephenson, H. Madsen Morgan Robles
Christensen Jenkins Stevenson, J. Van Tassell Dayton Knudson Stowell Waddoups Hinkins Okerlund Thatcher
Adams Buttars Liljenquist Valentine Bramble Hillyard Urquhart
2010 H.B 91 Traffic Control Signs for Bicycles
Cycling Community was split on the issue
House Transportation Committee
Motion to Recommend Failed
Yeas - 6
Clark, S.
Daw, B.
Fisher, Janice
Hemingway, L.
Last, B.
Wallis, C. B.
Nays - 6
Anderson, J.
Cosgrove, T.
Harper, W.
Mascaro, S.
Morley, M.
Seegmiller, F.J.
Absent - 2
Fisher, Julie
Menlove, R. |
House Comm - Favorable Recommendation (amended)
Yeas - 10
Anderson, J.
Clark, S.
Daw, B.
Fisher, Janice
Fisher, Julie
Hemingway, L.
Menlove, R.
Morley, M.
Seegmiller, F.J.
Wallis, C. B.
Nays - 1
Mascaro, S.
Absent - 3
Cosgrove, T.
Harper, W.
Last, B. |
House Discussion and Vote (audio of floor debates)
YEAS - 49
Aagard Dougall Johnson Sandstrom Allen Duckworth, S King Seegmiller Anderson Edwards Kiser Seelig Barrus Fisher, Julie
Last Vickers Beck Fowlke Litvack Wallis Biskupski Froerer McIff Watkins Black Garn Menlove Wheatley Brown Gibson, F Moss Wiley
Chavez-Houck Gowans Newbold Wright Clark, S. Hansen Painter Clark, D. Cosgrove Hemingway Poulson Daw Hughes Powell Dee Ipson Riesen
NAYS - 20
Bigelow Fisher, Janice Hendrickson Noel Bird Frank Herrod Oda Draxler Greenwood Hutchings Webb Dunnigan Grover Lockhart Wilcox Ferry Harper Mathis Wimmer
Gibson, K Mascaro Ray Hunsaker Morley Sumsion
2009 S.B. 102 Share the Road Special Plates
Bell Jenkins McCoy Stowell
Davis Jones Morgan Urquhart
Dayton Killpack Niederhauser Valentine
Goodfellow Knudson Okerlund Van Tassell
Greiner Liljenquist Robles Waddoups
Hillyard Madsen Romero
Hinkins Mayne Stephenson
YEAS - 47
Aagard Fisher, Janice King Riesen
Allen Fisher, Julie Kiser Sandstrom
Barrus Fowlke Last Seegmiller
Beck Froerer Litvack Seelig
Bird Greenwood Mascaro Vickers
Biskupski Grover Menlove Watkins
Black Hemingway Moss Webb
Chavez-Houck Herrod Noel Wheatley
Cosgrove Holdaway Painter Wiley
Daw Hunsaker Poulson Winn
Draxler Ipson Powell Clark, D.
Edwards Johnson Ray
NAYS - 23
Bigelow Frank Hendrickson Newbold
Brown Garn Hutchings Oda
Dee Gibson, K Lockhart Sumsion
Dougall Gowans Mathis Wilcox
Duckworth, S Hansen McIff Wimmer
Dunnigan Harper Morley
Clark, S. Gibson, F Wallis
Ferry Hughes
2005 Three Foot Law
H.B. 49, BICYCLE SAFETY PROVISIONS, read the third time by short title
and placed on its final passage.
On motion of Representative McGee, the House voted to delete H.B. 49 in
title and body and insert Sub. H.B. 49 in lieu thereof.
Sub. H.B. 49, then passed on the following roll call:
Yeas, 45; Nays, 19; Absent or not voting, 11.
Voting in the affirmative were: Representatives
Alexander Becker Bigelow Biskupski Bourdeaux Bowman Buttars Christensen D. Clark S. Clark Cosgrove Duckworth Dunnigan Ferrin Ferry Fisher Fowlke Goodfellow Gowans Hansen Hendrickson Holdaway Hunsaker E. Hutchings Jones King Kiser Last Lawrence Mascaro McGee Menlove Morgan Moss Murray Painter Ray Romero Shurtliff Urquhart Wallace Wheatley Wheeler Wiley Wyatt
Voting in the negative were: Representatives
Aagard Barrus Buxton D. Cox Daw Dayton Dee Donnelson Frank Gibson Hogue B. Johnson Mathis Newbold Noel G. Snow Tilton Walker Curtis
Absent or not voting were: Representatives
Adams S. Allen Dougall Hardy Harper Hughes Litvack Lockhart Morley Oda Ure
49, BICYCLE SAFETY PROVISIONS, was considered read the second and third
times and passed on the following roll call:
Yeas, 29; Nays, 0; Absent, 0.
Voting in the affirmative were: Senators
Allen Arent Bell Bramble Buttars Christensen Davis Dmitrich Eastman Evans Fife Hale Hatch Hellewell Hickman Hillyard Jenkins Killpack Knudson Madsen Mansell Mayne McCoy Peterson Stephenson Thomas Waddoups Walker Valentine
House with Senate Sub
2nd Sub. H.B. 49, as amended by the Senate, then passed on the following
roll call:
Yeas, 42; Nays, 26; Absent or not voting, 7.
Voting in the affirmative were: Representatives
Aagard Becker Bigelow Biskupski Bourdeaux Bowman Buxton Cosgrove Daw Dee Duckworth Ferrin Ferry Fisher Fowlke Goodfellow Gowans Hardy Harper Hendrickson Holdaway Hughes Hunsaker E. Hutchings Jones Kiser Last Lawrence Mascaro Mathis McGee Menlove Morgan Moss Ray Romero Shurtliff Ure Urquhart Wheatley Wiley Wyatt
Voting in the negative were: Representatives
S. Allen Barrus Buttars Christensen S. Clark Dayton Donnelson Dougall Dunnigan Frank Gibson Hansen Hogue B. Johnson Lockhart Morley Murray Newbold Oda Painter G. Snow Tilton Walker Wallace Wheeler Curtis
Absent or not voting were: Representatives
Adams Alexander D. Clark D. Cox King Litvack Noel
2000 Bicycle Law Amendments
07/12/00 House Trans Interim Committee
For: Knudson, Bush, Dillree (Sponsor), Holdway, Nay: Nelson, NV: King,
2001 H.B. 15 Bicycle Law Amendments (Dillree, M.)
01/16/01 House Comm - Favorable Recommendation H3RDHB 9 0 2
01/19/01 House passed 3rd reading SSEC 71 0 4
02/05/01 Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation SSTTPS 4 0 2
02/08/01 Senate/pass 2nd S3RD 26 0 3
02/09/01 Senate/pass 3rd SPRES 25 1 3
Yeas, 71; Nays, 0; Absent or not voting, 4.
Voting in the affirmative were: Representatives Aagard Adair S. Allen Anderson Arent Barrus Beck Be cker Bennion Beshear Bigelow Biskupski Bourdeaux Bowman Bradshaw Bryson Buffmire Bush Buttars D. Clark S. Clark G. Cox Curtis Daniels Dillree Donnelson Duckworth Ferrin Ferry Fife Goodfellow Gowans Hansen Harper H atch Hendrickson Hogue Holdaway Holladay B. Johnson Jon es King Litvack Lockhart McCartney Morgan Moss Murr ay Newbold Pace Parker Peterson Philpot Ray Saunder s Seitz Shurtliff Siddoway G. Snow Styler Swallow T hompson Throckmorton Tyler Ure Urquhart Wallace Way Winn Young M. Stephens
Absent or not voting were: Representatives Alexander D. Cox Dayton Garn
H.B. 15 transmitted to the Senate for its consideration.
H.B. 15, BICYCLE LAW AMENDMENTS, was read the third time, explained by Senator Eastman, and passed on the following roll call:
Yeas, 25; Nays, 1; Absent, 3.
Voting in the affirmative were: Senators E. Allen R. Allen Bramble Davis Dmitrich Eastman Evans Gladwell Hellewell Hickman Hillyard Jenkins Julander Kn udson Mayne Peterson Spencer Steele Stephenson Suazo Valentine Waddoups Walker Wright Mansell
Voting in the negative was: Senator Blackham
Absent or not voting were: Senators Buttars Hale Poulton